Sunday, August 1, 2010

Evil Dust Bunny of Whimsy

One of the main reasons why I like to blog is because I feel like it's easier for me to define myself here, in my writing, than it is for me to do so by ambling around spewing thoughts all day. Writing allows me to catalog my personality. Essentially, it helps my mind evolve from a colorful dust-bunny of whimsy to an easily readable list.

The only problem with this, however, is the way I try to define myself isn't always me (see: easygoing and productive). I try, to the best of my abilities, to say what I truly feel... However, people aren't constant, and I'm a prime example of that. One day I'll feel one way, and the next I'll think something completely opposite. It's one of the reasons why I always have the worst relationships.

I think I'm getting better, though; I'm trying not to try to be anything. Just an open effort to be fully myself. Well... minus all the creepiness. I have to make a conscious effort to keep that on the DL.

I think I'm getting better at it, too! I almost appear completely sane to people that have never met me before.

∫: lol, that came up when I tried to bold.
College in: 21 days, I think? Or maybe it's 19. Anyone know when classes start? :s
Today, I: Ordered THREE THINGS online!! And read my SLR camera's entire manual. And drove to Ottumwa to go shopping for dorm sheets. I AM SUPER PRODUCTIVE TODAY LIKE x3!!
I LOVE: MIKA, again. Listening to his albums on repeat. He's addictive, like sugar and candy and hot french men and yaoi. Which he essentially embodies, except technically he's lebanese...
Recent google searches: ALL of them are about Naruto. Seriously... all of them.

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