Sunday, July 18, 2010

Okay, I'll admit that I suck

I have no idea why, but I've been super sucky at everything lately.
I tried this photo project I've been thinking about recently, and it totally blew up in my face. Obviously not literally, because then I would've just taken artsy shots of my face covered in paint, but let me show you what I'm talking about:

It was a pretty cool idea, right? Cover a window with designs and then use the light from outside to illuminate it. I even painted a dinosaur so I could pretend there was a giant two-dimentional monster rampaging around in the field across from my frat*. The idea had so much potential, when it still lived in my head.

But when I let it out, I found the quality of the pictures to be supremely disappointing. I couldn't seem to do my idea justice. The only picture from the whole scenario that I deemed worthy of my flickr page was one I took on a whim during clean up; just a bunch of painty paper towels. Did you know "painty" is a real word? Because I had no idea until just now.

Also, lately I've been all socially retarded. I'd like to think of myself as outgoing--I frequently go out and do abnormal things like sneaking around fancy hotels or having noodle-fights in wal-mart. Shy people don't have noodle fights in public places, right?

But seriously, I've even lost my ability to have a proper "I'm-actually-paying-attention-to-the-words-you-are-saying" conversation. I just kind of look at the person talking and blink a lot. Sometimes I laugh when everyone else does or even say, "Yeah!" as I spill my water everywhere. I frequently take pride in the fact that I'm a fantastic conversationalist, especially if we don't know each other well. There are so many things to talk about with people who don't know every fibre of your being.

I don't know what's going on with my motor skills, but from now on I'm going to force myself into social situations until I snap out of it.

And also carry around my camera until I start getting better again.

I dunno. Maybe I just have to adjust to being back in Fairfield again. Or go out and get drunk.


Not really.


I NEED: to stop being socially retarded. Also, an xD card reader. And ramen.
Recent Google Searches include: boring stuff

*Have I ever mentioned that I live in a frat? Because I do.


  1. is fibre the fancier version of fiber?

  2. Damn, I did it again... I have no idea why, but for some reason I spell a lot of things the british way.
