Monday, February 22, 2010

MORE about stalking!

The minute I feel myself developing actual feelings for a stalkee, I tone it down considerably. The fleeting high I get from following around (whether it be online or off) those I revere would not be worth the crushing guilt I’d feel if I was found out and put down. Those that I stalk, I all-but-wish for them to find out. I often leave it wide in the open, a creepy testament to the pedestal I’ve placed them on. They know, and sometimes they don't appreciate it, but I shrug it off. It does nothing but amuse me anymore. I'm immune, as long as I'm not personally invested.

Completely unrelated, but I just saw Love, Actually. It was the most amazing movie I've seen in quite a while. I think it goes without saying that my favorite pairing was the Prime Minister and his "Catering Manager", since I have an unorthodox preference for a story involving older men with younger women. Also, Hugh Grant is fucking sexy, and the most hilarious thing ever in that movie ("...Did you ever have this kind of problem? Yeah --- of course you did, you saucy minx.")... I want a Prime-Minister-type-character in my life.

OH, what's that, I already have one? Too fucking bad he's already got a serious girlfriend and they're both too awesome to mess with. FFFfffffftt.

Funny, how this post has come a complete circle, eh?

Days left until Austin: 12
Last time I showered: Yesterday... afternoon? I've been showering disgustingly often lately...
Where I'm at in Naruto: Oh God, I'm moving embarrassingly slowly. I'm in the middle of 188. These fillers are almost worse than the opening episodes...
Nail color: "Tutti Frutti Tonga," OPI

1 comment:

  1. Coming to see you today! Be ready for all o this!
