Sunday, December 26, 2010

I do a lot of complaining.

I know. I suck, right? Nobody wants to be friends with someone who just sits around and complains. Look, now I'm even complaining about the fact that I complain so much.
But in all Honesty, I've had to go through a lot of shit lately--and complaining is one way for me to get over it. However... I understand that it's most certainly not the best way, and that I've been dragging a lot of people down.

So I hereby (officially, on-the-internet) state that I will stop complaining. Forever.

...Or try to, at least, because that'd be impossible. Seriously, can you imagine?
...Wait, did that count as complaining?

Today, I: Made a collage using all the magazines I stole from my dorm's phone room. It's okay, I deserved them.
I love: My friends. ALL my friends. And art studios, messy hairstyles, silver necklaces, knitted clothing, the salt lamp I got for christmas, puzzles, horses, victorian england, france (and french), nerdy guys, KITTIES, the asian girl who left five pairs of adorable-and-perfectly-fitting-shorts in the laundry room's "free" box, Avocados, Harry Potter (as always), marigolds (even though mine are dying because they don't get enough sun), Krishna, Hercules (the disney movie), A LOT MORE THINGS :D
I must: go to Church. For some reason, for the past few days, I've been plagued by the desire to go by myself to a random church in town during a sermon. I've always sort of hated the organized christian religion so I don't really understand the desire... but I am definitely going to go if I still feel this way next Sunday.
Last Google Search: "how to tell if your cat is plotting to kill you"