Thursday, June 17, 2010

I lied, it's not epic.

I had this really epic dream last night...

I was driving aimlessly (which was cool--I'm never allowed to drive here), and I ended up downtown where I promptly ran out of gas so I shrunk my car and carried it around with me in search of a gas station. I asked this man inside a book store, but he took me to this really weird place where he tried to rape and/or kill me (I think I've been watching too much Buffy)... he failed, but only just, so I ran away and found these mexicans to ask but before I could get my gas I WOKE UP which makes me upset because I never got to finish my dream.

Just like yesterday, when I had a dream about serving myself breakfast tacos in a large hotel room and I NEVER GOT TO EAT MY BREAKFAST TACO... BAHHH. You can see I have qualms with my slumberous state.

I also have qualms with the fact that "slumberous" is actually a word.

I just found a tiny rock in my hair...

Thinking about: How people can enter and exit your life so easily.
Shippuden: 93 and PISSY because my friend Erich is like, fifty-million-and-four episodes ahead of me, and he only started watching when I told him to last march.
Recent Google Searches Includes: "Orochimama". Possibly the best nickname for him, ever.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

It's 2:34 am

It's 2:34 am. I'm making a pumpkin pie.
Yes, I am aware that it is the middle of june (rendering my pie un-seasonal), and I'm also aware of the fact that the pie crust expired last February, and of COURSE I'm aware that there is a stream of billowing smoke coming from the stovetop.

It's weird... you'd think that it'd come out of the seemingly vent-looking slits on the top of the oven, but, no, the smoke comes out of the four burners and twists together in the middle. It looks like the whole oven is burning.

I don't think I know how to make pies...

Quote from today: "Which pie tin are you gonna use? 'Cause this one had a pie in it and this one had a tarantula."

Times I thought this pie was going to kill me: 2
Shippuuden: 83. ALTHOUGH... I have been playing a lot of Naruto: Clash of Ninja Revolution. Seriously, that game is a workout. Especially if you play it for four hours, like I did yesterday (in my defense, I was at my friend Erich's house for three of those four hours, so I wasn't being a TOTALLY secluded loser).
Recent google searches includes: "expired pie crust", "expired pillsbury pie crust", "ZOBOOMAFOO", "senbon", "buy IMAX The Last Airbender"