I was driving aimlessly (which was cool--I'm never allowed to drive here), and I ended up downtown where I promptly ran out of gas so I shrunk my car and carried it around with me in search of a gas station. I asked this man inside a book store, but he took me to this really weird place where he tried to rape and/or kill me (I think I've been watching too much Buffy)... he failed, but only just, so I ran away and found these mexicans to ask but before I could get my gas I WOKE UP which makes me upset because I never got to finish my dream.
Just like yesterday, when I had a dream about serving myself breakfast tacos in a large hotel room and I NEVER GOT TO EAT MY BREAKFAST TACO... BAHHH. You can see I have qualms with my slumberous state.
I also have qualms with the fact that "slumberous" is actually a word.
I just found a tiny rock in my hair...
Thinking about: How people can enter and exit your life so easily.
Shippuden: 93 and PISSY because my friend Erich is like, fifty-million-and-four episodes ahead of me, and he only started watching when I told him to last march.
Recent Google Searches Includes: "Orochimama". Possibly the best nickname for him, ever.
Shippuden: 93 and PISSY because my friend Erich is like, fifty-million-and-four episodes ahead of me, and he only started watching when I told him to last march.
Recent Google Searches Includes: "Orochimama". Possibly the best nickname for him, ever.